Monday, July 24, 2006


12 Week Ultrasound

On July 19th we went in for a Nuchal Translucency Screening test which is a blood test and another ultrasound that determines the babies level of risk for certain chromosomal abnormalities and congenital heart problems. It's not a diagnostic test, so rather then hearing a definate "yes/no" you're given a statistical probability (for example: 1 in 500). The blood work takes a couple of weeks to get the results back. Then they combine the two to come up with the probability for your baby.

Looking at the ultrsound, it's amazing the level of detail and amount of growth the baby has gone through in a few short weeks.

12 Week Ultrasound

We got to see him/her (still don't know the sex) sucking their thumb and kicking their legs. And the place we went to recorded the whole thing so we have a VHS tape of it. So cool.

~ Christina