Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Chip & Trooper

The kittens have names. We loved everyone's suggestions (thank you!), but eventually decided to go with names that meant something about them.

Chip & Trooper (Doesn't Trooper look bored?)

So why Chip & Trooper? Well Chip because they were found at Sun Microsystems. And Trooper because he was really sick for the first couple weeks and everyone kept saying what a Trooper he was.

Trooper is finally feeling better (and Ian and I aren't getting sneezed on every time we go near him). They spend most of their day sleeping.

So Tired. I even sleep sitting up.

And like to play with their toys, wrestle with each other and basically and wreak havoc during the night. I swear if my leg gets attacked when I roll over in bed one more time...I might get a cramp from squeezing the lever on the squirt bottle.

Chip has the fastest paw in town...and Trooper likes to start fights

~ Christina

Can I have one? Please? Me
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